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A long running institution within TFFC is its own newsletter, 'The Fortune News', which has been produced every season since season 1976/77. However, the very first newsletter of any kind produced by the Club was the 'Fortune Review' during the 1972/73 season, a one-off two-pager which was typed in black and red on white paper. It was circulated to players individually who passed it around to each other. A small booklet entitled simply 'TFFC' consisting of 8 pages was produced during the 1973/74 season in conjunction with the Oakfields Road Badminton & Table Tennis Championships which were running at the time. Again each issue was a one-off production on different coloured paper, typed in black and red ink as before. Each issue was passed to players or competitors individually. The first proper news-sheet (as it was originally called) photocopied for players was entitled 'Temple Fortune' and appeared as a single page or 2-page issue, stapled in the top left corner. This was distributed monthly throughout the 1976/77 season, the Club's first in Sunday league football under the auspices of the Maccabi movement. The news-sheet continued over the years mainly in A4 or A5 format, often printed on one side but sometimes printed two-sided where possible. It was circulated at matches and sometimes posted to members when necessary, particularly in later years. Usually between 8 to 10 issues were produced each season. The last issue at the end of each season normally appeared as a summary edition, including results, appearances and goalscorers for the season. In more recent times colour was used on the front cover where facilities permitted; prior to that, colour paper differentiated the cover from the inside pages. In 1986, the news-sheet was produced on the Apple MacIntosh for the first time, in Pagemaker. In 1990, the MacIntosh was reintroduced for production with QuarkXpress being the DTP application used. From 1993 onwards, all issues were produced on the Mac with only a few isolated pages being typed on a traditional typewriter when necessary. In all other seasons prior to technology moving on to the Mac system, traditional typewritters were used. In 1996, the term 'news-sheet' was changed to 'newsletter' which has remained ever since. The newsletter celebrated its Silver Anniversary during the 2001/02 season with the last of the traditional printed version. Season 2002/03 saw the newsletter being produced electronically for the first time, being distributed primarily to Club Members via email. This was done on a weekly basis under the guise of 'e-tffc!' and included monthly Results & Goalscorers editions, and bi-monthly Statistics Edition (including appearances and league summaries). For the first time, members were receiving issues on the same day as the matches were being played or on the following day! In its first season of being produced electronically, an incredible 60 issues were distributed via email. In the following season, namely 2003/04, the renowned title of 'The Fortune News' (TFN) was reintroduced once again. The results, appearances and results information was combined with the regular news items and were updated weekly. This reduced the number of issues to just under 50 for the season. So with the adoption of emailed issues, never before had TFFC's members received so much information so quickly! Season 2010/11 saw the newsletter go online for the first time as part of the Club's website. Now, the content could be typed up directly in Adobe GoLIve and uploaded via Fetch to the website very easily. All the members need is a link and, hey presto, a neat newsletter to read! No paper, collating, stapling or circulation the wonders of modern technology! In more recent seasons, the TFN has been issued a few times, usually at the beginning, half-way and the end of the season. This has been mainly because of the information being distributed by both the MGBSFL (via their website) and MMFL (via a weekly emailed newsletter), and also via TFFC WhatsApp groups. Below are a selection of TFFC newsletter front covers as examples of the changing style over the years. It would be lovely to include inside pages for you to see but this would be a most time-consuming task and one which is just not feasible for the time being. However, the newsletter's editor and producer for as long as it has existed, namely co-Founder Nigel Kyte, has in his possession each printed issue stored in large envelopes; it is estimated that he has well over 200 editions of the TFFC's long-running magazine, accurately cataloging the Club's history over so many years. Any Club Member or person associated with the Club is welcomed to see these historic newsletters, which are a testimony of commitment, dedication and a real love for the Temple Fortune Football Club spanning over 40 years.