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As usual I will categorise the main admin sections and have included statistical comparisons for the previous two seasons. At the end will be a conclusion covering the 2017/18 season. Membership: We had 39 Full Members in total (2016/17: 30*; 2015/16: 29*). Of these, only 12 were from the First Team, 20 from the Second Team and 7 from the Old Boys Team (2016/17: First Team 21, Old Boys Team 9). Casual Membership numbered 15 (2016/17: 4*; 2015/16: 11*) and 6 were from the First Team, 6 from the Second Team and 3 from the Old Boys Team. Regarding Honorary Members (now called 200 Club Members), we had 10 in total, 3 from the First Team and the rest from the Old Boys Team (2016/17: 11*; 2015/16: 9*). *Two teams Overall the Club had a total of 64 members (2016/17: 45*; 2015/16: 49*). The total amount of membership fees collected was £3,463.00 (2016/17: £2,678.00*; 2015/16: £2,865*). *Two teams The average membership fees paid were: Full £64.30 (normal fee £75) (2016/17: £70.60; 2015/16: £72.93), Casual £29.66 (normal fee £40) (2016/17: £16.25; 2015/16: £28.63), and Honorary (200 Club) £51.00 (normal fee £55) (2016/17: £45.00; 2015/16: £48.33), giving an overall average of £54.10 per member (2016/17: £43.95; 2015/16: £58.46), a satisfactory increase. This allowed for Early Payment discounts and reduced fees by agreement depending on an individual's circumstances. A total of 4 players requested part refunds of membership fees paid, adding up to £122. 50 refunded (2016/17: 0; 2015/16: £77.50). The players were Nick Benson, Elliott Cantor, Paul Rich and Jordan Sharifian. Of these, Sharifian was transferred. Eshed Rahav was also transferred but he remained as a paid-up member. Registrations: There were 66 MGBSFL registrations which was in line with running 2 MGBSFL teams (2016/17: 34**; 2015/16: 33**). The Old Boys Team had 24 players registered for the Masters League (2016/17: 24; 2015/16: 22). The Old Boys Team had to use 21 outside guests (as allowed in the Masters League), an extremely high figure given recent annual usage (2016/17: 0; 2015/16: 4; 2014/15: 5). **One team Pitches: The First Team played 11 matches at Silver Jubilee Park (2016/17: 4). The Second Team played 6 matches at the Roger Bannister Sports Centre (2016/17: 9, 2015/16: 9) and 1 league match at Silver Jubilee Park (v Boca, later changed to a friendly when Boca withdrew from the league). We did not need to purchase additional pitches to stage home league matches. The Old Boys Team continued to play at venues arranged by the Masters League. Discipline: The First Team had 17 cautions (2016/17: 11; 2015/16: 5) and 3 sending offs (2016/17: 0; 2015/16: 2). The Second Team had 9 cautions and no sending offs. The Old Boys Team had one caution (2016/17: 1; 2015/16: 0). Neither the Seconds or Old Boys had a sending off. The FA charged the Club with misconduct for reaching 6 cautions for dissent (against the Second Team), issuing a warning for the Club's future conduct and a fine of £10. Overall, the disciplinary record of 27 cautions and 3 sending offs represents TFFC's poorest total since the difficult 2012/13 season (when we had 60 disciplinary cases). Needless to say we must strive to make improvements on the disciplinary front next season. League fines: Like discipline, the Club has had a very bad season with MGBSFL fines. A total of £220 is the worst for many seasons (2016/17: 0***; 2015/16: £70) and again, we must improve administration to ensure these are kept to a minimum next season. The main reason for the high figure was the high number of forfeitures 6 is simply extremely poor and the worst ever that I can recall in one season. ***£10 fine imposed but not collected by the MGBSFL. The breakdown is as follows: First Team (3 fines) £65 (2 forfeitures, 1 late team sheet); Second Team (6 fines) £155 (4 forfeitures, 1 late team sheet, 1 incorrect kit). Once again the Old Boys Team did not incur any fines. Match subs collection: We increased match subs for the First Team to £10 per player per match to help finance the pitch hire at Silver Jubilee Park. Fees for the other two teams were retained at £8 per player per game for the seventh season running. The First Team collected an average of £94.26† per match (2016/17: £90.61; 2015/16: £83.96), a welcomed increase. The Second Team collected an average of £92.40† per match (2016/17: £79.00). The Old Boys Team collected an average of £83.88† per match (2016/17: £82.52; 2015/16: £80.83). The match subs collected totalled £5,711† for three teams (2016/17: £5,167*; 2015/16: £3,554**), an increase reflecting a higher number of matches played. The breakdown is First Team £2,168†; Second Team £2,033†; Old Boys Team £1,510†. *Three teams (includes last season's 'unofficial' Second Team). **Two teams. †Figures exclude one Founders Shield double-header fixture in August (First Team), the end-of-season match at Loftus Road (Old Boys Team) and the matches to be played on Sunday 10th June (all 3 teams). I would like to thank all those who collected the subs mainly Lee, Steven and Hilton for bringing in this vital source of income. Events: At the time of writing this report (1st June 2018), the Club Awards Presentation event has been scheduled for Sunday 10th June 2018 at Silver Jubilee Park for the third season running. The Jack Kyte Challenge Cup match will precede the Awards Presentation at the same venue. For the fourth season running, the Founders’ Shield was played as a round-robin competition involving all three teams, and a third fixture 'decider' is due to be played at SJP. Michael Goldberg arranged another of his end-of-season 'specials' which was played at Loftus Road, home of QPR, on Saturday 12th May. As usual, the financial side of this match did not impact on the Club since the players covered the costs directly. Equipment: The First Team wore the red/yellow shirts sponsored by James Ryan of Ellis & Co for the second season, with new navy and yellow shorts purchased. The Second Team wore a similar set of red '45 Years' Ellis & Co shirts previously used by the Old Boys, with yellow shorts. The Old Boys used a brand new red and yellow striped kit with red shorts again generously sponsored by James Ryan of Ellis & Co. In storage we have numerous spare playing kits including the Daniel Stewart set of shirts (yellow and red), the Founders’ shirts (red and yellow broad stripes), the all-yellow and navy Bekhors kit, the Winckworth yellow and navy shirts (a full set of 14) and the set of red Ellis & Co shirts. There is also a set of 10 outfield Kingsleys shirts (yellow with the large navy ‘stars’ design) in storage. There should also be a green/white Bekhor kit in somebody's possession which I have still not located as yet. For season 2018/19, I hope to purchase two new playing kits for the First Team and Old Boys Team, each replicating the Club's original amber shirts of 1971. The shirts will carry the special TFFC 50 Years gold crest, embroidered for the first time ever. The manufacturer is Classic Sportswear of Cardiff who have already supplied a couple of navy polo shirts with the embroidery as samples. We stocked up on some footballs for the MGBSFL teams, whilst Hilton Teper continued to supply footballs for the Old Boys Team. Training: For the fifth season running the Club did not arrange official training, so our expenditure was again zero. We did not spend anything on training for the previous four seasons either, compared to a massive £1,100 for season 2012/13, which was a record-high expenditure. Conclusion: On the administration side we certainly had our fair share of problems throughout the season: We were badly affected by mass player unavailability leading to a record high number of forfeitures. Considering the high number of MGBSFL players we registered, membership fees did not reflect the signings so we lost out on that front. And when we add the high amount of fines into the admin pot, it is little wonder why our income was adversely affected. We should have done far better than we did. So all in all, I have to report a very disappointing season. NIGEL KYTE, June 2018 ![]() |