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As usual I will categorise the main admin sections and have included statistical comparisons for the previous two seasons. At the end will be a conclusion covering the 2016/17 season. Membership: We had 30 Full Members in total (2015/16: 29; 2014/15: 27). Of these, 21 were from the First Team and 9 from the Old Boys Team. Casual Membership numbered 4, all from the First Team (2015/16: 11; 2014/15: 8), whilst we signed 11 Honorary Members, two from the First Team (S.Linden and G.Wetrin) and the rest from the Old Boys Team (2016/17: 9; 2014/15: 9). Overall the Club had a total of 45 members (2015/16: 49; 2014/15: 44). The total amount of membership fees collected, which was £2,678.00 (2015/16: £2,865; 2014/15: £2,473), a decrease of £187. The average membership fees paid were: Full £70.60 (normal fee £75) (2015/16: £72.93; 2014/15: £70), Casual £16.25 (normal fee £40) (2015/16: £28.63; 2014/15: £22.75), and Honorary £45.00 (normal fee £55) (2015/16: £48.33; 2014/15: £45.00), giving an overall average of £43.95 per member (2015/16: £58.46; 2014/15: £56.29). This allowed for Early Payment discounts and reduced fees by agreement depending on an individual's circumstances. No players requested part refunds of membership fees paid (2015/16: £77.50 refunded). Registrations: MGBSFL registrations were increased by one to 34 (2015/16: 33; 2014/15: 29). The Old Boys Team had 24 players registered for the Masters League (2015/16: 22; 2014/15: 29). One pleasing aspect of registrations was that no outside guests were used by the Old Boys Team (2015/16: 4; 2014/15: 5). Pitches: The First Team played 9 matches at the Roger Bannister Sports Centre (2015/16: 9; 2014/15: 6). Two home MGBSFL league fixtures were aged at Silver Jubilee Park at a reduced rate of £100 as opposed to the normal fee of £180 there. We did not need to purchase additional pitches to stage home league matches. Discipline: The First Team had 11 cautions (2015/16: 5; 2014/15: 10), over double the previous season's tally. The Old Boys Team had one caution(2015/16: 0; 2014/15: 1), which was subsequently not reported, again a very good record. The First Team had no sendingoffs (2015/16: 2; 2014/15: 0) and the Old Boys Team had two which were subsequently not reported (2015/16: 0; 2014/15: 0). Overall, this represents a satisfactory record of discipline from 37 competitive fixtures played by both teams. League fines: We did not pay any MGBSFL fines although one was imposed for a late team sheet which was not subsequently charged by the League and has slipped off the radar so to speak (2015/16: £70; 2014/15: £10). Once again the Old Boys Team did not incur any fines. Well done to the teams' management for keeping fines to an absolute minimum. Subs collection: We retained match subs at £8 per player per game for the sixth season running. Again we did not hire a training venue throughout 2016/17. The First Team collected an average of £90.61 per match (2015/16: £83.96; 2014/15: £84.20), a welcomed increase. This excluded one Founders Shield double-header fixture and the end-of-season 'special' match at Vicarage Road. The Old Boys Team collected an average of £82.52 (2015/16: £80.83; 2014/15: £79.15). The subs collected from 10 Second Team games gave an average of £79.00 per game. The subs totalled £5,167 for three teams (2015/16: £3,554; 2014/15: £3,941), an increase reflecting a higher number of matches played. Peter Kyte collected an additional £40 from the Founders’ XI which took part in one Founders’ Shield match (2015/16: £48 from two matches). I would like to thank all those who collected the subs for bringing in this vital income. Events: We held the Club Awards Presentation event on Sunday 28th May 2017 at a vastly improved Silver Jubilee Park for the second season running, which attracted 20 people (2015/16: 19; 2014/15: 20). My thanks go to Lynne Kyte for organising the food for this event, Mike Shorvon for his help on the day, David Wolff for presenting the individual players’ trophies and Hilton Teper for taking the photographs. I purchased a heavily-discounted 7ft banner from Vistaprint for use at the Awards Presentation which gave an attractive professional look. The Jack Kyte Challenge Cup match preceded the Awards Presentation at the same venue and was won by the Old Boys Team, who beat the Second Team 53. For the third season running, the Founders’ Shield was played as a round-robin competition involving three teams, which included Peter Kyte’s Founders’ XI. Unlike 2015/16 which needed a play-off decider at SJP, the Founders' Shield was decided on one morning at Silver Jubilee Park thanks to the First Team winning both fixtures. Michael Goldberg arranged another of his end-of-season 'specials' which was played at Vicarage Road on Thursday 25th May. As usual, the financial side of this match did not impact on the Club since the players covered the costs directly. Equipment: The First Team wore a new all-red kit sponsored by James Ryan of Ellis & Co, whilst the Old Boys used the ‘40 Years’ yellow and red Ellis & Co kit which was still in excellent condition. The Second Team mainly wore the Daniel Stewart kit from the 2010/11 season with yellow shorts. In storage we have numerous spare playing kits including the all-red '45 Years' Ellis & Co kit formerly used by the Old Boys Team, the Founders’ shirts (red and yellow broad stripes), the all-yellow and navy Bekhors kit, the Winckworth yellow and navy shirts (a full set of 14) and the set of red Ellis & Co shirts which the First Team used as ‘clash’ kit. There is also a set of 10 outfield Kingsleys shirts (yellow with the large navy ‘stars’ design) in storage. There should also be a green/white Bekhor kit in somebody's possession which I need to locate over the summer. The First Team will be given a new set of navy and yellow shorts and red and navy socks from Pendle Sportswear for the 2016/17 season. We again stocked up on some footballs for the First Team (15 footballs have been purchased from Pendle at a sale price of only £2 each), whilst Hilton Teper continued to supply footballs for the Old Boys Team. Training: For the fourth season running the Club did not arrange official training, so our expenditure was again zero. We did not spend anything on training for the previous three seasons either, compared to a massive £1,100 for season 2012/13, which was a record-high expenditure. Conclusion: As opposed to the previous three seasons, the Club had a very good season on the playing side which always helps administration to run smoothly, so overall there were no major problems. Following the disciplinary problems endured during season 2012/13, we set an objective to get back on track and it is worth noting that we certainly achieved this for the fourth season running. Therefore, I am pleased to report an excellent season on the admin front. NIGEL KYTE, June 2017 ![]() |