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Membership: We had an increase of Full Members to 29 in total covering both teams (2014/15: 27; 2013/14: 24). Of these, an impressive 22 were from the First Team but only 7 from the Old Boys Team. Casual Membership increased to 11 in total including 8 from the First Team (2014/15: 8; 2013/14: 3), whilst we signed 9 Honorary Members, one from the First Team and the rest from the Old Boys Team (2014/15: 9; 2013/14: 9). Overall the Club had a total of 49 members (2014/15: 44; 2013/14: 36). This welcomed increase was reflected in the total amount of membership fees collected, which was £2,865.00 (2014/15: £2,473 (2013/14: £2,155), a healthy increase of just under £400. The average membership fees paid were: Full £72.93 (normal fee £75) (2014/15: £70; 2013/14: £66.66), Casual £28.63 (normal fee £40) (2014/15: £22.75; 2013/14: £21.66), and Honorary £48.33 (normal fee £55) (2014/15: £45.00; 2013/14: £54.44), giving an overall average of £58.46 per member (2014/15: £56.29; 2013/14: £59.86). Of the numerous players who left the Club, only two namely Charlie Lahyani and Jamie Cohen requested part refunds of membership fees paid. In this respect, a total of £77.50 was refunded. Registrations: MGBSFL registrations were increased to 33 (2014/15: 29; 2013/14: 23). The Old Boys Team had 22 players registered for the Masters League, a decrease from the previous season (2014/15: 29; 2013/14: 24). Of the 15 competitive matches played by the Old Boys Team, guests had to be used in 4 of them (2014/15: 5; 2013/14: 4). Pitches: The First Team played 9 matches at the Roger Bannister Sports Centre (2014/15: 6; 2013/14: 7). The two league matches forfeited were both home fixtures (v FC Team and v Scrabble) which saved £150 in pitch costs as opposed to £60 in fines. As a result, we staged 9 home league matches out of 9 at the RBSC was was maximum usage. This means we did not need to purchase additional pitches to stage home league matches. Discipline: The First Team had only 5 cautions (2014/15: 10; 2013/14: 5), a welcomed reduction. The Old Boys Team had no cautions (2014/15: 1; 2013/14: 7), again a very good record. The First Team had 2 sendingoffs (2014/15: 0; 2013/14: 0; 2012/13: 6), with the Old Boys Team on none (2014/15: 0; 2013/14: 2). Overall, this represents a pleasing record of discipline from 36 competitive fixtures played by both teams. Altogether, we amassed 5 cautions and 2 sending offs (2014/15: 11 yellows and no reds; 2013/14: 12 yellows and 2 reds). As General Secretary I dealt with ‘just’ 7 cases, 4 down on the previous season (2014/15: 11; 2013/14: 14), from a total of 36 competitive matches, which reflected another improvement. We did not incur one single yellow card from January to the end of the season, a record of excellence given the First Team’s poor results. I would like to thank the teams’ management and, of course, the players for keeping the number of cases reduced. League fines: Our MGBSFL fines totaled £70 (2014/15: £10; 2013/14: £25), the increase including 2 fines for defaulting 2 matches. Given that we saved £150 in additional pitch costs, these fines were an acceptable expense. The Old Boys Team did not collect a single fine again. Subs collection: We retained match subs at £8 per player per game for the fifth season running. Again we did not hire a training venue throughout 2014/15. The First Team collected an average of £83.96 per match (2015/16: £84.20; 2013/14: £88.04), whilst the Old Boys Team collected an average of £80.83 (2014/15: £79.15; 2013/14: £80.78). Both can be viewed as satisfactory. The subs totaled £3,554 for 2 teams (2014/15: £3,941; 2013/14: £3,648). Peter Kyte collected an additional £48 from the Founders’ XI which took part in 2 Founders’ Shield matches (2013/14: £81.00). Some of the subs collected from First Team players used in the first Founders’ XI game on 22nd May, who later played in Match 2 for the First Team, were allocated to the First Team’s subs instead. I would like to thank all those who collected the subs for bringing in this vital income. Events: We held the Club Awards Presentation event on Sunday 22nd May 2016 at a vastly improved Silver Jubilee Park for the second season running, which attracted 19 people (2015/16: 20; 2013/14: 19). My thanks go to Peter Kyte for organising the food for this event, Mike Shorvon for his help on the day, Stuart Lustigman for presenting the individual players’ trophies and Hilton Teper for taking the photographs. The Jack Kyte Challenge Cup match preceded the Awards Presentation at the same venue and was won by the First Team, who beat the Old Boys 43. For the second season running, the Founders’ Shield was played as a round robin competition involving three teams, which included Peter Kyte’s Founders’ XI. Two venues were used the Hertfordshire Sports Village and Silver Jubilee Park and the Founders’ XI won the Shield for the first time on goal difference. Equipment: The 2 teams wore their first choice kits again during the season the ‘40’ yellow and red Ellis & Co kit by the First Team (a former Old Boys kit in excellent condition which had been reintroduced to commemorate the 40th season in Maccabi football), and the red and yellow Ellis & Co kit by the Old Boys Team. In storage we have 2 Bekhors green and white kits, the ‘40’ yellow and red Ellis & Co kit, the Founders’ shirts (red and yellow broad stripes), the all-yellow and navy Bekhors kit, the Turnhold yellow and navy shorts (a full set of 14) and the set of red Ellis & Co shirts which the First Team used as ‘clash’ kit. There is also a set of 10 outfield Kingsleys shirts (yellow with the large navy ‘stars’ design) in storage. On the subject of the Turnhold shirts, these were reunited with me a couple of months ago by Mike Shorvon having been ‘mislaid’ for several years. I reckon I had not seen them for up to 8 or 9 years! They are in excellent condition and could easily make a very usable set of first choice shirts. The First Team were given a new set of navy and red socks from Pendle Sportswear for the 2015/16 season. We again stocked up on some footballs for the First Team, whilst Hilton Teper continued to supply footballs for the Old Boys Team. James Ryan of Ellis & Co has generously sponsored a new kit in the same colours as the current Old Boys kit, namely red shirts with a yellow curved band, red shorts and yellow socks. The kit will be used by the First Team in season 2016/17. Training: For the third season running the Club did not arrange official training, so our expenditure was again zero. We did not spend anything on training for the previous 2 seasons either, compared to a massive £1,100 for season 2012/13, which was a record-high expenditure. Conclusion: Despite a poor season on the playing side, administration again ran smoothly overall with no major problems. Following the disciplinary shambles endured during season 2012/13, we set an objective to get back on track and we have achieved this for the third season running. Therefore, I am pleased to report a good season on the admin front. NIGEL KYTE, June 2016 ![]() |