This page is here for Management Committee Officers involved in TFFC team management and serves as useful guidelines and advice. When it comes to running a team, there are various duties to arrange during the week leading up to a fixture but the busiest day will be, of course, matchday itself. The list of duties can be organised in conjunction with any appointed Admin Secretary or Assistant Secretary. The duties below may look daunting at first (if you're new to the job) but it's much like riding a bicyle once you've mastered it, it's easy and comes naturally! So please read on and digest the information thoroughly. Thank you.
In conjunction with reading the information below, you will need to read the rules of your particular League in which your team is participating. A sound understanding of rules both the League's and Club's is essential.
Not doing some of the duties listed below will result in league fines being imposed. Where fines may be imposed on the Club, the type appears in RED. The Team Secretary and the Admin Secretary are responsible for keeping fines to an absolute minimum. They must delegate duties as appropriate so that all Club playing equipment is looked after at each match.
Failure to bring playing equipment to any match will result in fines being imposed. Players responsible for causing fines to be imposed will pay the fines themselves. The Admin Secretary should ensure that all equipment is present at each match for example, there is no point in having the first aid kit locked in a player's boot or left at home.
In particular, please note the following offences which can be problematical:
• Email responses: Players are required to respond to team management emails from the Team Secretary or Admin Secretary. Failure to do so is a Club Offence.
• Punctuality: Lateness is a common problem which must be reduced as much as possible. Nothing is worse for match preparation than players turning up late and the Team Secretary and Admin Secretary must come down hard on offenders. Fines between £5 and £15 are applicable to late-comers. As a guide, any player arriving at the venue less than 30 minutes before the kick-off is LATE.
• Clean playing kit : No player is allowed to split up the playing kit under any circumstances (other than injury where removal of kit is difficult at the time). If a player is seen turning up at a venue wearing Club playing kit, please advise him not to do it again or he will be fined. All kit MUST be kept together in the kit bag provided.
•Soiled playing kit: Players are required to return the kit to the kit bag and not just throw it onto the dressing room floor. It is up to the Team Secretary and Admin Secretary to encourage players to get into good habits not returning kit into the kit bag is a fineable offence.
Please refer to the Schedule of Fines and Suspensions so that you are aware of the punishments applicable for Club Offences, Yellow Card Offences and Red Card Offences. The General Secretary must be informed of all offences, especially Club ones, so that the appropriate fine can be imposed.
We also have a Disciplinary Table which logs all Yellow and Red Cards and fines. Updated regularly, this information will be very useful for you to see when a player's suspension will commence in the case of a Red Card offence, and for how many matches it will last.
Weekly match subs: At some point during the week, preferably as soon as possible after the previous day's match, the match subs collected need to be paid into the Club's Santander current account. The Team Secretary or Admin Secretary can bank the subs and send a cheque to the General Secretary, pay in electronically via bank transfer or hand-deliver to the Club 'HQ'. The Club needs to receive regular income from match subs collected to cover ongoing pitch expenses throughout the season.
Online payments to: Account name Temple Fortune FC; Account No 42442812; Sort Code 09-06-66.
Confirm match details to opponents by email
Not applicable
Confirm match details to referee by email
Not applicable
Deadline for confirmation to opponents and referee
Deadline for opponents to confirm match details
Email players to attend training
Team selection liaise with other team secretaries/admin secretaries as appropriate. If a Team Manager has been apointed, he may be responsible for this.
Confirm match details to players by email and check availability
Confirm match details to players by email and check availability
Attend training
The usual late email responses will be received from players and the odd problem might need sorting out
Friday evening it's Shabbat so time to relax! Surely there isn't any outstanding admin left to do prior to the weekend?
Be prepared for possible 'last minute' adjustments or arrangements a late withdrawal for example, or someone's car has broken down and he will need a lift on Sunday morning!
Meet players at the venue early, at least 45 minutes before kick-off time. Unless you are told otherwise in advance, players arriving less than 30 minutes before kick-off are LATE
Collect weekly match subs: MGBSFL £8 per player, MMFL £8 per player. Encourage players to bring the correct money and that £20 notes (or, even worse, £50 notes) are unacceptable.
Charge students and subs half-price; this is flexible depending on whether or not subs are used and how long they play for if brought on, etc, so use discretion on deciding fairly
Greet the referee and show him where to change
Not applicable
MMFL only: Pay the referee BEFORE the kick-off: £20
Pay the referee BEFORE the kick-off: MGBSFL £35, MMFL £20
Show the referee the match ball (properly inflated) and first aid kit
Ensure that all playing euipment is taken to the pitch all playing kit, kit bag, footballs, first aid kit bag, bucket, (corner flags at home fixture)
Ensure that the dressing room is empty of all possessions (unless the room is locked)
Ensure that corner flags are erected
Not applicable
Complete the team sheet and exchange with opponents if requested
Nominate substitutions to referee. If not done, he may rightly refuse a sub to participate
AFTERNOON at venue |
Ensure that rubbish is removed from the pitchside and binned. Empty drink bottles (for example) should be collected up and thrown away
Ensure that all playing equipment is returned to dressing room
Ensure that soiled kit is placed in kit bag and not thrown on the dressing room floor
Arrange kit washing a rota list should be kept. A player washing the kit is exempt from paying his match subs, so either return his money or give him a 'free' match next week
Delegate players to look after playing equipment
Clear up rubbish in dressing room
Ensure that dressing room is empty before you leave lost equipment costs money to replace!
AFTERNOON at home |
Ring/text the result and scorers through to the divisional rep (MGBSFL) or league (MMFL) by 1.30pm latest
Text the result via the FA Full-Time League Admin SMS service (MGBSFL) by 1.30pm latest
Email match report in brief to Club (if you want your match included in the newsletter)
Inform General Secretary of any disciplinary issues (Yellow and Red Cards)
Relax! No doubt thoughts will be on the morning's match and team selection ideas for next week. Monday, it all starts over again!
The joys of being a Team Secretary or Admin Secretary!
ALL TEAMS: This can be done any time after Sunday's match but must be done by Tuesday evening LATEST |
Complete team sheet on the FA Full-Time League Admin website (for MGBSFL matches) or Microsoft Excel (for MMFL matches) and send to designated league officer and 'CC' the Club (required for updating newsletter and club records)
Please do not hesitate to contact Nigel if you have any queries or problems about your role on the Management Committee. Running a team is a hard job which requires solid resolve, strength and commitment all season. You simply cannot keep every player happy all of the time, and there are bound to be occasions where some will moan and whinge in your ear. You must use your man-management skills to deal with each and every problem.
There will inevitably be times when the job is very difficult with things not going your way on the pitch and other times when the team is thriving and every match cannot come quick enough you MUST take the good with the bad, it's all part of the job! Please read the above list carefully and understand every section and duty required. Above all, plan ahead thoroughly and do not take short cuts since good preparation is essential at all times.
Refer to the guidelines above from time to time and, above all, try to maintain the high standards of sound administration enjoyed by this Club for many years. Good luck.