One of the major benefits of FULL MEMBERSHIP and 200 CLUB MEMBERSHIP is cover on the Club's Personal Accident Insurance scheme via Sportsguard. Please read the following information.
The Club has arranged a basic insurance policy which covers players under the age of 55. Players may contact the insurer directly to top up personal insurance at their own cost according to individual needs and circumstances so if you are self-employed you may wish to consider this option.
Information about submitting a valid claim, which must comply fully with the policy schedule, can be found right at the bottom of this page under "How To Submit A Claim". This scheme is not available to any Casual Member or non-member.
All Full Members and 200 Club Members, including officials, recorded on the membership list prior to participating in team events and matches (up to 25 people per team) are covered under this policy for the relevant season. The information below has been taken off the policy documentaion.
This policy only covers bodily injury and does not cover any claim caused or contributed to by illness. The insurers will pay the benefit shown in the schedule of benefits (please refer to the policy schedule) if bodily injury is suffered during the period of insurance which results in:
Death by accident
Loss of sight in one or both eyes
Loss of limbs
Loss of speech
Loss of hearing in one or both ears
Permanent partial disablement
Permanent total disablement other than benefits stated above*
Temporary total disablement**
* Permanent Total Disablement means disablement which prevents attendance to all aspects of any business or occupation practically suited by training, education, industry knowledge or experience and which lasts twelve (12) consecutive months and at the end of that period is beyond hope of improvement.
** Temporary Total Disablement means disablement which prevents attendance to all aspects of business or occupation.
Temporary Total Disablement Insurance purchased by the club may not meet the personal needs of every club member. Club members should seek additional cover elsewhere if required.
The insurance is made up of different classes of insurance, which are set out in separate sections of the policy with specific terms applying to each section separately in addition to general terms applying to all the sections. The cover purchased by your club or team is shown in the Schedule of Benefits applicable to this insurance and the “Additional Benefits applicable to Personal Accident” forming part of the Schedule of Benefits.
Death caused by illness, unless that illness directly resulted from accidental bodily injury, or medical or surgical treatment rendered necessary by such injury.
War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power.
Radioactive contamination.
Engaging or taking part in a sport or activity other than the insured sport.
Suicide or attempted suicide.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC).
Deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human life or stop serious injury).
A criminal act.
Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs or solvents.
Failure to wear such mandatory protective equipment as may be stipulated by the appropriate governing body of the insured sport.
Participation in the insured sport against medical advice or taking part in the insured sport whilst under medical treatment for bodily injury.
Any medical condition caused by, prolonged by, or aggravated by any psychiatric, mental or nervous disorder including anxiety and/or depression.
Participation in motor cycling other than in respect of mopeds or scooters up to 50cc.
Participation in social events of the insured club or team which includes but are not limited to fireworks, bonfires, driving events, bouncy castles, water sports or any activity above 3 metres of the ground.
Repetitive stress (strain) injury or syndrome or any other condition or injury which develops over a period.
Where the disablement is attributable to arthritic or other degenerative conditions in the joints, bones, muscles, tendons or ligaments.
The cost of providing medical evidence to support a claim e.g. Doctors’ Certificates.
Endorsements may apply to the policy.
If the benefit for death is not covered and an accident results in death within twelve (12) months following the date of the accident then no benefit will be payable, other than for temporary total disablement** for any applicable period prior to death.
If the benefit for death is covered and an accident results in death within twelve (12) months following the date of the accident and prior to the definite settlement of any other benefit, the only benefit payable will be the benefit for death.
Any benefit from permanent total disablement* will not become payable before the expiry of twelve (12) months.
Any benefit from temporary total disablement** will not become payable before the expiry of 14 days from the date of the event.
In event of an accident which may result in a claim under this insurance a club member must:
Seek the attention of a duly qualified medical adviser as soon as practicable.
notify us as soon as practicable.
Provide us with the necessary authorisations to obtain your medical information and correspondence relating to the subject of the claim or a related pre-existing condition.
Provide us with all the information we reasonably require.
A club member may be required to provide evidence to support a claim.
Failure to meet obligations could result in a claim being rejected or a reduction in the amount we pay.
Death by Natural Causes
1. Death by natural causes £10,000
Personal Accident
2. Death by accident £30,000
3. Loss of sight in one or both eyes £35,000
4. Loss of limb, one or more £35,000
5. Loss of speech £35,000
6. Loss of hearing in both ears £35,000
7. Loss of hearing in one ear £14,000
8. Quadriplegia £60,000
9. Paraplegia £30,000
10. Permanent partial disablement Up to £30,000. Reducing in accordance with the attached Permanent Partial Disablement Scale
11. Permanent total disablement, other than benefits stated above £60,000
12. Temporary total disablement Insured persons in gainful employment: 65% of the insured person’s weekly wage, during the 12 months immediately prior to any claim, up to a maximum of: Not Covered, benefit period: 52 weeks, excess period: 14 days. Insured persons not in gainful employment: 50% of the above: Not Covered, benefit period: 26 weeks, excess period: 14 days.
Permanent Partialment Scale
The % of the sum insured under the permanent partial disablement benefit in respect of permanent partial disablement is as follows:
Loss by amputation or permanent total loss of use of:
(a) foot below the level of the ankle (talofibular joint) 100% *
(b) thumb 40% *
(c) one forefinger or big toe 30% *
(d) any other finger 20% *
(e) any other toe 8% *
Loss of use of:
(a) back or spine (excluding cervical) without cord involvement 80% *
(b) neck or cervical spine without cord involvement 60% *
(c) shoulder, elbow or wrist 50% *
(d) hip, knee or ankle 40% *
* of the sum insured under item 10 of the Schedule of Benefits.
Provisions applicable to the Permanent Partialment Scale
1. If compensation is payable in respect of the insured person under more than one form of permanent partial disablement as a result of one accident, the total amount payable shall not exceed in total more than the sum insured under the permanent partial disablement benefit.
2. If compensation is payable for loss of or loss of use of a whole member of the body, then compensation for parts of that member cannot also be claimed.
Additional benefits applicable to Personal Accident
The following additional benefits are applicable to the Personal Accident benefits of this policy where a sum insured is shown below. Such sums insured shall apply to each insured person. Additional Benefit Sum Insured applicable to each insured person
1. fracture of a bone:
in the arm at or above the wrist £200
in the leg at or above the ankle £200
in the hand (excluding fingers) or in the foot (excluding toes) £50
in the collarbone £200
in the cheekbone £200
in the jaw £200
in the fingers £50
in the toes £50
in the hip £150
in the rib £50
in the shoulder (scapula) £200
in a growth plate (also known as Salter Harris Type 1) £200
2. dislocation of the hip, kneecap, shoulder or elbow £200
3. Snapped, Ruptured Achilles Tendon or Anterior Cruciate Ligament £250
4. loss of internal organ £5,000
5. Facial and Bodily Scarring £600
6. Emergency Dental Expenses Up to £125
7. Hospital Confinement £25 per night, benefit period: 30 nights
8. Concussion Not Covered
9. Rehabilitation Retraining Expenses Up to £2,500
10. Academic Examination Re-sit Up to £2,500
11. Disability Assistance Expenses Up to £10,000
12. Emergency Medical Expenses Up to £500
13. Student Tutorial Expenses Up to £35 per week, benefit period: 4 weeks, excess period: 7 days
14. Coma Benefit GBP 25 per day, benefit period: 365 days
15. Medical Certification Expenses Up to £50
16. Funeral Expenses Up to £2,000
17. Specialist Consultant Fees Not Covered
18. Pre-paid Season or Travel Tickets Not Covered
19. Physiotherapy Benefit (calculated on 50% of the receipted cost of each session) Up to £40 per session benefit period: 6 sessions
20. Additional Travel Costs Up to £25 per week benefit period: 4 weeks
21. Childcare Expenses Not Covered, benefit period: 26 weeks, excess period: 14 days
22. Chauffeur Expenses Not Covered, benefit period: 26 weeks, excess period: 14 days
23. Home Assistance Benefits Not Covered, benefit period: 52 weeks, excess period: 14 days
24. Broken or Damaged Sports Glasses Up to £50
25. Damage to clothing by a Medical Practitioner Up to £50
26. Legal Advice Covered. Subject otherwise to the terms, definitions, conditions and exclusions listed within the Schedule of Insurance, Certificate of Insurance and any other attaching endorsements.
If an eligible Club Member has reason to consider submitting a claim in compliance with the information listed above, he should contact Kerry Higham (Administration/Welfare Officer) on tffc1968@gmail.com