The 16th TFFC Annual General Meeting held at the home of Phil Friend in Finchley on Monday 1st June 1992 was arguably the best AGM ever held. It certainly wasn't the best in terms of the level of serious discussion about important Club issues but for being the funniest, the 16th AGM was quite simply brilliant!
It was so amusing, the Club decided that the unedited version of the Minutes were worth recording on the website for posterity! Needless to say, AGM Minutes have never been disclosed on this website because of the private nature of Club business (ie. not to be shared with the worldwide web!) But after so many years have passed, there has been an exception made here.
There were two editions of the Minutes of the 16th AGM recorded at the time. The 'official' version reported the business of the meeting as it happened, as Minutes traditionally tend to do; yet the unedited version recorded actual words and phrases, including swear words. Anyone who attended would recall the 16th AGM with delight.
It is fair to say that the document will probably mean very little to anyone who didn't attend the Meeting or did not know the characters involved, so possibly this page exists just to stir up the odd giggle or two of those who were actually present. Well, if that's the real reason for having these Minutes here, then it's a job well done! Afterall, mention "Fractal Geometry" or "Euclidean Geometry" to any of the eight attendees and, even after so many years there is likely to be instant recollection followed by a good laugh or two!
For the first time since the Meeting on 1st June 1992, we are pleased to be able to share the unedited Minutes of TFFC's 16th Annual Gneral Meeting with you... so please click on the PDF below. Please be patient the file size is 6.7mb and may take a while to open. Hopefully, it will be worth it if you have a sense of humour! :)
Oh, by the way, if there is an intellect out there in worldwide webland who can explain the meaning of "Fractal Geometry" or "Euclidean Geometry", please email the Club! We are still desperate to know!