Halfway through the 1975-76 season, Nigel and Peter Kyte decided to revive Temple Fortune Football Club with a view to joining the Maccabi (Southern) Football League for the 1976-77 season. On 18th February 1976, after several years of being in decline, the Club was revived by the formation of a new Management Committee at a General Club Meeting held at One Oakfields Road in Temple Fortune NW11. Below are the actual minutes of that important inaugural meeting. The handwritten heading recorded in the book that contained the minutes in February 1976 was: "The New Club: TFFC Is Revived Again"
General Club Meeting - February 18th 1976, 1 Oakfields Road
Meeting attended by: N.D.Kyte, B.E.Melzack, P.D.Kyte, P.H.Rutland, M.C.Rook.
1. Membership. The Conditions of Membership, drawn up by the Chairman, were passed by the Committee and will come into effect as and when Club Members are signed up. Additions to the original Conditions of Membership are as follows:
Rule 3. The Annual Club Subscription Fee for 1976/77 will be £5 per member. No reductions to students. Fees are to paid not later than when registration forms are submitted to the League.
Rule 4. The Weekly Match Fee for 1976/77 will be 50p for non-students and 30p for students.
Rule 6. Non-playing players will be fined the ordinary match fee if they fail to turn up for a match without reasonable explanation.
2. Subscriptions. As stated above.
3. Match Fees. As stated above.
4. Costs. (All amounts are approximations and mainly maximum fees). County Football Association affiliation fee: £4. League registration fee: £9. Home pitch fees @ £4 per match: £48 (over 12 Home matches). Referees' fees @ £3 per match (Home only): £36. Playing kit: £50. Match football: £12. First Aid kit: £6. Corner flags: £10. Two practice footballs: £10. TOTAL EXPENDITURE: Approximately £185.
Annual subs @ £5 per member (18 members): £90. Weekly match fees @ 50p per player per match (over 24 matches @ £5 per match): £120. TOTAL INCOME: Approximately £210.
5. Registration. Letters were sent to the London FA and GLC for affliliation to LFA and pitch permit application respectively. Replies expected soon.
6. Pitch. As stated in item 5 above.
7. Team selection. As stated in Conditions of Membership, rule 8.
8. Playing kit. Sky blue shirts, red or black shorts, red or black socks. Alternative strips: second choice - green shirts, third choice - white shirts. Clash colours: Yellow shirts, red or black shorts.
9. Playing and match equipment. To be decided when London FA affiliation, pitch permit application and League registration are all completed.
10. Training facilities. To be discussed (as above).
11. Insurance. This matter will be discussed at a future meeting when various things have been sorted out (eg. LFA affiliation and League registration).
12. Club positions. The following positions have been filled as voted by the Management Committee on February 18th. General Manager: N.D.Kyte, Treasurer: B.E.Melzack, General Secretary: P.D.Kyte, Team Secretary: P.H.Rutland, Team Manager: M.C.Rook.
The above listed topics were approved at the General Club Meeting on Wednesday February 18th 1976.
Signed Nigel Kyte (Chairman)
The 1976/77 Chairman's Report, as originally typed up by Nigel Kyte and read out at the Club's inaugural Annual General Meeting held at the North Western Reform Synagogue in June 1977.
This silver plated goblet, just 105mm tall including the plinth, was engraved 'TFC 1976/77' (an 'F' went missing!) and commemorated the Club's first season in the Maccabi (Southern) Football League.
Results of matches in the Club's earliest days were recorded in this old note book, together with appearances, goalscorers, the new committee and minutes of the GCM held on 18th February 1976.
The results pages from the Club's first records book, listing match number, date, opponents, venue, number of players per side, result, goals for and against, half-time score, appearances and goalscorers, plus the ongoing win-draw-lose slogger on the far right. The Club's results, spanning a period between 2nd January 1969 (v Lyttleton, 5-a-side, won 24-8) to 7th April 1974 (v Sneath Avenue, 7-a-side, won 3-0), covered all games played in Princes Park, and filled two and a bit double pages and were handwritten in red ink on lined paper.
The above trophy, albeit depicted by a poor quality image, was made to commemorate Temple Fortune's inaugural match in the Maccabi (Southern) Football League, which was played on Sunday 5th September 1976 against Bushey United,
The inside cover of the Club's first records book (the cover of which is shown above). In neat handwritting, the Club's new committee elected in February 1976 is listed, together with the Club HQ address (at 1 Oakfields Road) and colours.
The Club's pre-league matches and results - between 1970 and 1976 prior to joining the Maccabi (Southern) Fooitball League - were recorded in typed format for the first time on an oversized yellow piece of paper, as shown above.
Another two-page spread from the Club's first records book, this time recording the minutes of the important Club General Meeting held on 18th February 1976. "The New Club" heading can be seen, under which the minutes previously featured on this web page are listed in Nigel Kyte's handwriting, dated 18th February 1976.